Axe Types
These are the most commonly known single bit axe head types. Axe heads were altered to best suit the task they were performing, as well as their location.
These are the most commonly known double bit axe head types. Axe heads were altered to best suit the task they were performing, as well as their location.
The Axe Head
While there are several different types and styles of axe heads they all have the same basic parts. Here are some illustrations showing each part of the axe head.
Single bit axe head diagram.
Double bit axe head diagram.
The Axe Heft (Handle)
The axe handle is technically referred to as the heft. Just like the axe itself, it has many different parts (See the diagram below). Just like the axe head, hefts vary greatly. Some heft patterns have been handed down for generations, while others were designed to best fit the user and their needs. Most axe hefts fall into one of the types shown in the illustration below.
These are the most common haft types and sizes.
Sizing Your Axe
When selecting your axe handle you want to choose a handle that better fits you. An axe that might feel comfortable in a 6’2” person’s hands may not feel good to someone who is 5'-4". Taller, broader bodied users often prefer a longer 36” handle. Some users also prefer a straight handle on their felling axes and curved handles on their camp axes, while others prefer curved handles for both. If you aren't sure what type of handle would fit you best we would be happy to help you decided what handle is best for you.
We want to make sure that you are getting the right axe and are happy to discuss in more detail with you.
If you want to feel the difference between handles you can always come and visit us at the workshop.
To set up an appointment please email us at
These are the typical sizes for each one of our axes.